- I used shoes because it was a clothing product and when I grow up I want to be sponsored by a clothing company and I want to be able to rep the brand on the streets and online.
- I did achieve my goal because I wanted something athletic related and something clothing related.
- The color scheme I used was cool colors (Blue and Violet) and I used direct lighting.
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- This still life represents youthfulness and color.
- The lighting in my image is direct.
- To improve on my composition I could have moved the black blanket so it would't have blocked my shot.
- This still life represents a harsh truth that might change your thoughts and your ways of living life.
- The lighting in my image is direct.
- To improve on my composition I think I should of moved the flower on the left so then it would of been blurry and the center piece would be the only one in focus.
- This still life represents color and joy.
- This lighting is direct.
- I think I could have fixed the background so there wouldn't have been any wrinkles or folds in the cloth.
- My favorite part of this photo is that we can slowly see more of her as she gets farther to the right of the screen.
- The most difficult part of this project was choosing the photos that were clear and didn't overlap weirdly.
- The easiest part of this project was choosing which angle to shoot the subject because there are only a limited amount of angles to shoot from to get the motion effect.